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Jan S. Krogh's Geosite: Byelorussia (BY) – Poland (PL) – Ukraina (UA)

Byelorussia is meeting neighboring Poland and Ukraina at a tripoint situated southeast of the Polish town of Wlodawa.

The tripoint BYPLUA is located just south of bordermarkers BYPL 1123. Notice that the BYUA border meets BYPL and PLUA in northwestern direction, in the middle of the River Bug, towards the photographer. The BYUA border runs in the middle of the small Mościcki Canal which flows into the Bug here. 1) (Click on this image to get a high resolution version.)

The three boundaries meet at the white point in the middle of River Bug.

Here is the Polish map as an overlay on Google Earth orthomap.

1. Thanks to Mr Bogusław Tomaszewski for information about the exact outlet point.



This page was last time updated 29.12.12 .